
The department’s mandate is very broad and complex and is derived from various legislations. However, at the core of it, is for the department to develop, preserve and promote sport, recreation, arts, culture, and heritage as outlined in the below:


To provide overall financial and strategic management and administrative support.


Sub Programmes
    • Office of the MEC
    • Corporate Services and District Operations
    • Financial Management Services


Services Offered

Provision of administrative support through:

    • Development of operating frameworks, management structures and guides the functioning of the department.
    • Coordination of human resource management
    • Developing research and data, provision of technical advice in relation to policy, strategy and legislation and implementation of departmental strategy and planning.
    • Providing ICT support service to improve departmental operations.
    • Monitoring and evaluation of the execution of the mandate and its intended impact.


Provision of financial management support through:

    • Development of financial and supply chain management frameworks to guide the functioning of the department.
    • Management of financial related risks.
    • Improvement of control measures


Services Recipients
    • Employees


Service Channels
    • Head Office
    • District Offices
    • Art Centres
    • Museums
    • Archive Centres
    • Sporting Academy Centres


Programme Purpose: 

To manage the provision of Cultural Affairs Services, which includes:

    • Develop and promote Arts and Culture Services
    • Manage and promote Heritage and Museum Services
    • And facilitate and promote the development of Language and Literature
Sub Programmes:
    • Management
    • Arts and Culture
    • Museum Services
    • Heritage Resource Services
    • Language Services


Services Offered:
  • Promotion of arts and culture services through:
    • Develop research processes to document cultural practices and the arts
    • Determine cultural needs and services required by communities
    • Support and fund arts centres
    • Provide cultural support service
    • Manage projects to develop, promote and preserve arts and culture in the Eastern Cape


  • Provide museum, geographical names and heritage resource management services through:
    • Provide Eastern Cape Museum support services
    • Develop museum policies, procedures and standards
    • Monitor the application of museum standards
    • Evaluate the application of museum standards
    • Preserve heritage resources in affiliated museums
    • Promote tangible and intangible heritage of the Eastern Cape
    • Provide heritage resource management services
    • Nominate heritage resources
    • Coordinate geographical names in the Eastern Cape
    • Maintain geographical names database


  • Provide language services:
    • Monitor language policy implementation in the province
    • Promote multilingualism and previously marginalised indigenous languages


Service Recipients
    • Artists/ creatives
    • Citizens
    • Other departments/institutions/components in government at a national and provincial level
    • NGOs and CBOs
    • Traditional Leadership
    • Faith based organisations
    • Institutions of higher learning /academia


Service Channels
    • Museums
    • Art Centres
    • Theatres


Programme Purpose:

To provide comprehensive library and archive services

Sub Programmes:
    • Management
    • Library Services
    • Archives


Services Offered:
  • Manage library services through:
    • Enhance municipal support services
    • Administer fund transfers to municipalities
    • Facilitate procurement of library material
    • Facilitate district professional guidance and training
    • Provide technical support for library material processing
    • Provide general library support service
    • Manage library information system infrastructure


  • Manage provincial archive services:
    • Provide collection management services
    • Provide archive client information services
    • Provide preservation and conservation services
    • Administer provincial records classification systems
    • Administer e-records management systems
    • Provide archive capacity building services


Service Recipients
    • Citizens
    • Library users
    • Archives users
    • Other departments/ institutions/ components in government at a national and provincial level
    • NGOs and CBOs
    • Traditional Leadership
    • Institutions of higher learning /academia


Service Channels
    • Libraries
    • Archives


Programme Purpose:

To provide the provision of sport, recreation, and school sport activities. Manage special projects, infrastructure and Sport Development services in the province and the development of Recreational Programmes in schools and Recreation Leisure Services.

Sub Programmes:
    • Management
    • Sport Development
    • Recreation


Service Offered:
    • Promote sport development
    • Administer competitive sport promotion
    • Provide competitive sport training
    • Provide infrastructure, advice to municipalities in relation to the norms and standards
    • Provide events support services
    • Administer support and funding to sport federations


Develop recreation opportunities:
    • Administer club creation initiatives
    • Implement school sport opportunities
    • Provide to support to hubs


Service Recipients
    • Federations
    • Clubs
    • Schools
    • Sportsmen and women
    • Citizens


Service Channels
    • Sporting Academy Centres